Naked in a Padded Room in Jail

I was taken into jail for trespassing in October. After I was booked, I spoke to the jail nurse, who asked if I was suicidal, and I told her that I was not. She asked me if I used drugs, and I told her that I did not. I then had a seat outside the nurse’s station for a few minutes, until a jailer came up to me and had me placed in handcuffs, and he led me to another part of the jail, the medical unit, and then I was placed in a small padded room by myself. I was told to face the wall and to strip my clothes off. I was then given a heavy one-piece cover that was supposed to Velcro on, but the Velcro didn’t work. So I was left confused as to why I was naked in a small, padded room by myself.

I took a nap and woke up to supper being delivered through a small window by the door. I asked where my cutlery was, so that I could cut my food and eat it. “That’s it there,” the jailer said as she pointed to a little thing made of some sort of paper. I was supposed to cut and scoop my food with a piece of paper that converted into a sort of spoon! It didn’t hold up very well, and I ate most of my supper with my bare hands.

I managed to sleep quite a bit more there in my nakedness, although I was woken up multiple times to somebody asking, “Would you like your vitals taken? Do you want Gatorade for your detox?” My detox? Detox from what? In the morning, I was taken to see the judge. The person who saw her right before me was rather rancorous; he was mouthy and arguing with the judge. But then the judge was quite nice to me. She said, “You’re not a bad guy,” and she released me on a fine.

A person from the hospital came and gave me a ride out of the jail. My ride said, “They said that they tried to give your Gatorade for your detox. I never knew you to use. They also said that you were suicidal.”

I said, “I don’t. I think there was some kind of mixup.”

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