Trump: Wind Turbines Cause Cancer

You know that Donald Trump is either unimaginably stupid, has vested interests in fossil fuels, or is simply pandering to a constituency that has interests in the fossil fuel industry when he says that wind turbines cause cancer.

And yet he said it, and he also said that wind turbines are “like cemeteries for birds.” In truth, environmental pollutants from burning fossil fuels kill many more birds than the blades of wind turbines, and the carbon dioxide has the potential to kill just about all of us animals on the planet. But if the coal and oil businesses are lining your pockets, you’ll speak in ludicrous tongues.

I also suspect that part of the problem is that liberal democrats, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are in favor of renewable energy sources as part of the Green New Deal, and so guys like Trump feel like they have to further set themselves apart by being against whatever AOC, and especially Hillary Clinton (as Trump made clear in his comments), are for.

And how in all honesty could the chief executive of the word’s leading nation claim that the sound of wind turbines causes cancer? The sound? It makes no sense from the standpoint of physics. Then again, physics is a science, and the Right doesn’t trust in the scientific method, which is the key here: When you don’t have to play by the rules of science, or any other rules, there are no bounds to what you can say.

The sad truth is that corporations are more motivated by money than by the long-term interests of the environment, and constituents are motivated by their political ideology regardless of objective truths, so Trump — with no ontological rules to restrict him — can make off-the-wall assertions whenever they are convenient for him as president, whether it is because he’s profiting economically or just politically.

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