Dating & Driving

I finally saw a two-week old message in my inbox on a dating app the other day. I opened it up and started a conversation with the user who had sent the message. She didn’t look very attractive in her pictures, but I have aesthetic issues of my own, so I was willing to look past those.

And I am not looking to date anyone at the moment; I had set up the dating site profile in lonelier days. I’ve rediscovered a passion for books that at least partially precludes dating, because a partner would compete with time and money for books.

Still, I humored her by chatting with her, and I was legitimately flattered when she said (in response to a voice message I sent) that I had a “sexy voice.”

She said that she was free over the weekend and might like to meet–until I told her that she would have to drive. Then she change her tune, saying, “Yeah you[r] not driving or being able to drive is kind of a problem because I can’t always do the driving. . . . we can be friends but us meeting and stuff is something I’m gonna have to think about[.]”

I can’t say that I’m heartbroken.

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