
“So do you have toilet paper?” Zack asked me as he drove me home from having taken me to get my Risperdal injection. I answered in the affirmative, explaining that I had bought a 12-pack shortly before the coronavirus TP panic. Zack wondered aloud if everybody would be hoarding nasal spray had it been a stomach bug going around. He had a point.

It’s a good thing that I had already bought plenty of bathroom tissue, I came to find today, when I went grocery shopping: The toilet paper shelves were empty. It’s also a good thing that I have enough eggs to at least get me by for a few days, as only cage-free eggs were remaining at the store. (I’m not sure why those weren’t also sold out.)

My brother and I took a chance before the pandemic really took hold by going to a Chinese buffet while what President Trump would cause the “Chinese virus” was starting to spread. The incubation period is two weeks, I’ve heard, and although I thought I heard a cook there cough, I think it’s got to have been close to two weeks since we ate there, and my only possible symptom so far has been sneezing, but I’m a pretty sneezy sort of guy anyway, so I’m probably in the clear so far.

I must say that it’s been the world as we’ve known, though I feel fine, physically anyway. One sign of the times is that wrestling shows are airing from empty arenas. It’s very strange. I’m afraid that WrestleMania is going to feel awkward when it takes place in an empty Performance Center rather than in an 80,000-seat football stadium. But the show will go on, and so must my WrestleMania party that will probably consist of only me and my brother, per usual.

It’s a good thing that I’m used to staying in by myself. It might keep me from getting sick.

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