Getting Right With God

Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others during the Protestant Reformation argued about whether a person could freely choose to get right with God in order to get into Heaven.

Calvin believed in predestination, meaning that God had already elected who would go to Heaven; it was determined beforehand. Luther would have it that people had free will to live well and get into Heaven in the afterlife.

But the contrary view was that if humans had free will, it was put in them by God, that is, you couldn’t act in accordance with Christ unless God Himself put that will in you. Or, as they say, you only have free will when you have no choice!

Which makes me think that perhaps Schopenhauer had it about right. Schopenhauer, acknowledging that Spinoza said that if a thrown stone were conscious that the stone would think its trajectory was of its own free will, went Spinoza one further and said that the stone would be correct!

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