Episode 9 Notes

Love k-cups, love tea

Ordered tea pods

33 cents a pod, use twice

matcha tea included

matcha specially grown and powdered

not sure if the pods are good match

tea good for energy

caffeine is stimulant, affects adrenaline (epinephrine; digress about “on the renal/nephrine” as root)

excitatory vs. inhibitory neurotransmitters

also contains l-theanine

l-theanine a nootropic, caffeine also loosely considered nootropic

nootropics supposed to relax you, change brain waves

l-theanine also supposed to affect levels of GABA (inhibitory/calming, like benzos), serotonin (attention, mood), and dopamine (reward system)

evidence not there for nootropics

may or may not work

l-theanine plus caffeine has some support, reduces caffeine jitters

placebo effect real

placebo effect: expecting to improve and doing so by believing so

nootropics in energy drinks like c-4 and in match seem to help me, but may be placebo

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