John Brown: On the Right Side of History?

It must be this wave of Black Lives Matter enthusiasm: I have recently heard multiple people assert that John Brown was on “the right side of history”. Really? Yes, slavery was wrong, we would say today, guided by history’s moral zeitgeist (as Dawkins would call our evolving sense of morality), but there’s more to JohnContinueContinue reading “John Brown: On the Right Side of History?”

Comment on My Personal Library

I posted a video of my personal library on my YouTube channel (, and yesterday there was a new comment, one to which I replied. The comment and my reply are copied blew. Navy Federal: U seem to be interested in everything to do with atheism and ideas that disprove religions. Why don’t u readContinueContinue reading “Comment on My Personal Library”

Hard Work

I was talking to a woman on the phone, complaining about how things weren’t fair, they weren’t right. I told her that I knew of a fellow who scored low on his ACT, didn’t receive higher education, didn’t do much of anything that I could discern, yet he has a high paying job, a car,ContinueContinue reading “Hard Work”

Do I Owe You Anything Back?

I went shopping at Price Chopper today. The total came to $35.28. I handed the cashier one 20, three 5s, one quarter, and three pennies. She counted the money three or four times. I asked, “Did I count that right?” She said, “You gave me a 20 and three 5s.” Me: “That’s what I thought.”ContinueContinue reading “Do I Owe You Anything Back?”

Why Do People Have Children?

I often wonder why people have children. I understand it in a sense, that being that humans (and other sexually reproducing organisms) or vehicles for genes to pass themselves on to the next generation, and that we all are descended from parents who have successfully reproduced; so it makes sense that there is a driveContinueContinue reading “Why Do People Have Children?”

Dreaming of High School

Modern psychologists may say that dreams are essentially meaningless, generated by random firings of neurons in the brain, but I have had a recurring dream for years that, if for nothing more than its persistence as a continual theme in my sleep, has me convinced that it mean something significant about my psyche. The dreamContinueContinue reading “Dreaming of High School”

Vocational Specialist

I have met with a vocational specialist twice now. The first time, I filled out some sort of general assessment. This week, I took a sort of interest inventory on the computer. After my results showed up on the screen, I said, “How am I going to get a job, anyway, with my record?” TheContinueContinue reading “Vocational Specialist”

100% Pure Whoop Ass

My younger brother once wore to high school a shirt that said “Chubby’s Footlongs” that featured an image of a hot dog. The English teacher reported him to the principal, and he was told to turn the shirt inside out, because it supposedly was vulgar. I thought that was ridiculous, and I berated the teacher,ContinueContinue reading “100% Pure Whoop Ass”

Pat Robertson & Gay Marriage

If anybody knows the mind of God and American values, it’s Pat Robertson. I watched a video ( of him answering viewer’s question about gay marriage, where Robertson answered confidently, in true expert fashion. The viewer asked, “If same sex couples, especially those who are married, claim they are Christians, how can they continue toContinueContinue reading “Pat Robertson & Gay Marriage”

Elementary School Softball

It’s summer, softball season, and my mother tells me that she’s been at my niece’s, a child in elementary school, game. I ask her if the league is organized by the schools, and she says that it is. I respond with disdain, asserting that it’s wrong of the school to have children participating in athletics.ContinueContinue reading “Elementary School Softball”