
I used to be fearful of being abducted by aliens. It was a phobia I had, I guess. When in my teens, I was interested in the supernatural, cryptozoology, extraterrestrials, and the like, and I would watch TV shows about aliens and aliens abducting humans. I found the shows fascinating — (I even did myContinueContinue reading “Aliens”

Potatoes and Fruit Flies

About 11 years ago, I was living in an apartment, and I developed a fruit fly problem. I didn’t know where they were coming from. But I looked online for solutions and read that you can drown fruit flies in red wine. So I went out and bought some red wine and put some outContinueContinue reading “Potatoes and Fruit Flies”

Why Do People Have Children?

I often wonder why people have children. I understand it in a sense, that being that humans (and other sexually reproducing organisms) or vehicles for genes to pass themselves on to the next generation, and that we all are descended from parents who have successfully reproduced; so it makes sense that there is a driveContinueContinue reading “Why Do People Have Children?”


“So do you have toilet paper?” Zack asked me as he drove me home from having taken me to get my Risperdal injection. I answered in the affirmative, explaining that I had bought a 12-pack shortly before the coronavirus TP panic. Zack wondered aloud if everybody would be hoarding nasal spray had it been aContinueContinue reading “Coronavirus”

Channeling Kryon

A place calling itself a “mystical boutique” is no place for an atheist and skeptic like me, but curiosity got the best of me on my walk. I spotted the store from across the street, walked past it about half a block, and then tread backwards, thought about crossing the street, though about passing itContinueContinue reading “Channeling Kryon”

The Privileged Animal: Politics & Veganism

According to a 2018 Gallop poll, liberals are much more likely to be vegetarian (11%) or vegan (5%) than conservatives (2% vegetarian, 2% vegan). Furthermore, Americans who makes less than $30,000 a year are much more likely to avoid eating meat. I have a pet theory for why this would be. I hypothesize that itContinueContinue reading “The Privileged Animal: Politics & Veganism”

Chinese Fossils & God

I was scrolling through my Facebook and came across an article from CNN International ( about a 518-million-year-old fossil site in China that yielded a plethora of previously undiscovered species from the Cambrian. I read the comments and saw that they quickly devolved into a debate about God, Creation, and science. Some people questioned thatContinueContinue reading “Chinese Fossils & God”


Plato said that the unexamined life is not worth living. He thought that we need to find out wha constituted the good life. His god, the Demiurge, had crafted the world with purpose. Plato’s student Aristotle continued the examination of the good life. He wrote on what made a person virtuous. Aristotle thought that toContinueContinue reading “Absurdity”

Evolution of Man Figures (Unboxing) I had two packs of figures depicting human evolution. One was the “Evolving Darwin” set from Accoutrements. The other was from Safari Ltd. I decided to unbox them for this video and put them together for a more complete human lineage!