Bipolar Disorder & Entering PACT

Talking to my mother on the phone a couple of days ago, we discussed the PACT program. I told her that I was eager to enter it, but I had not got a follow-up phone call yet. My mom said, “I don’t think that you’re bipolar.” I told her that the psychiatrist had diagnosed meContinueContinue reading “Bipolar Disorder & Entering PACT”

Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, & CRPS

Reading The River of Consciousness by Oliver Sacks tonight prompted me to write a few words; see the last section of that book, and you will see what I mean as you read on. I still hear people who believe that vaccines cause autism. Sometimes they will say that there are lot more diagnoses ofContinueContinue reading “Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, & CRPS”

Autism Continuum or Spectrum

I sat down with a psychologist recently, and he saw that I had been diagnosed with a form of autism. He said, “You appear to be very low on the spectrum.” I thought that he meant that he thought I was low-functioning, so I said, “Like Leo Kanner’s kids?” He clarified that he meant thatContinueContinue reading “Autism Continuum or Spectrum”