Aspie in High School

Someone I know from after high school asked me if I was weird in high school, because someone I knew from high school told that someone who I know from after high school that she thought that I was autistic. I told her that yes, I was weird, and that maybe I’m on the autismContinueContinue reading “Aspie in High School”

Autism Continuum or Spectrum

I sat down with a psychologist recently, and he saw that I had been diagnosed with a form of autism. He said, “You appear to be very low on the spectrum.” I thought that he meant that he thought I was low-functioning, so I said, “Like Leo Kanner’s kids?” He clarified that he meant thatContinueContinue reading “Autism Continuum or Spectrum”

Conversation With A Friend About Autism-Vaccination Connection

I had the following discussing with a friend online recently. I publish it below, slightly edited for clarity. The topic was whether vaccinations cause autism. Friend: I believe in vaccinating children, but I also think it can cause a lot of other issues. There are kids who get injuries from them , so a lotContinueContinue reading “Conversation With A Friend About Autism-Vaccination Connection”

Asperger Syndrome: Psychopharmacological Considerations

Abstract There is a paucity of research on the medical treatment of Asperger syndrome (now often referred to as High Functioning Autism).  This paper uses an archival method to examine some of the research that does exist.  The focus is limited to three symptoms associated with Asperger syndrome: irritability/anger, anxiety, and depression.  Research is presentedContinueContinue reading “Asperger Syndrome: Psychopharmacological Considerations”