Comment on My Personal Library

I posted a video of my personal library on my YouTube channel (, and yesterday there was a new comment, one to which I replied. The comment and my reply are copied blew. Navy Federal: U seem to be interested in everything to do with atheism and ideas that disprove religions. Why don’t u readContinueContinue reading “Comment on My Personal Library”

Pat Robertson & Gay Marriage

If anybody knows the mind of God and American values, it’s Pat Robertson. I watched a video ( of him answering viewer’s question about gay marriage, where Robertson answered confidently, in true expert fashion. The viewer asked, “If same sex couples, especially those who are married, claim they are Christians, how can they continue toContinueContinue reading “Pat Robertson & Gay Marriage”

Foreign Drivers

I got a call from my driver at 7:45 this morning. Whatever he said, he said it in such a thick accent that it might as well have been in his native tongue. I said, “What?” and he repeated what he had said, and I somehow deciphered that he was saying that he would pickContinueContinue reading “Foreign Drivers”

Chinese Fossils & God

I was scrolling through my Facebook and came across an article from CNN International ( about a 518-million-year-old fossil site in China that yielded a plethora of previously undiscovered species from the Cambrian. I read the comments and saw that they quickly devolved into a debate about God, Creation, and science. Some people questioned thatContinueContinue reading “Chinese Fossils & God”

The Morality of Homosexuality

Conservative Christians insist that homosexuality is immoral. Their reasoning has something to do with some passages in their precious Bible. Even though early Christians were Jews, and Jesus would have been a Jew himself (if he existed), Christians say that they’re not Jews and don’t have to live by Jewish laws, but they still keepContinueContinue reading “The Morality of Homosexuality”

Genetic Fallacy and Marriage

Despite the view of the universe that Parmenides held, change is possible, and it does happen. The world is in constant flux, and the institution of marriage is no exception. I remember having a Christian as a high school teacher who said to an openly gay student in one of his classes, “God made AdamContinueContinue reading “Genetic Fallacy and Marriage”

No Room For Jesus in My Inn!

BBH posted this image on Facebook: Dustin Hartley :Sorry, no vacancies here. BBH: Dustin Hartley, he still loves you DH: Are we talking about the same guy? The one who was a human sacrifice 2,000 or so years ago in a deal that I had no part in, and that I want no part of? BBH: HE still lovesContinueContinue reading “No Room For Jesus in My Inn!”

Origins of the Universe & God

I was talking to a friend of mine who is a Christian, and she asked me how I thought “it all began.” I said, “You mean, how do I think the universe originated?” She said yes. I told her that I didn’t want to argue with her because we are friends who would not beContinueContinue reading “Origins of the Universe & God”

Atheism Made Easy Book Trailer