MRI On Liver

I, an atheist, was in church about a month ago; I like the pastor, and church services are entertaining. The pastor saw me sitting in the back. He waved at me and said, “Look who’s in the back!” Then he approached me and asked how I was. I was honest and told him that IContinueContinue reading “MRI On Liver”

Trump: Wind Turbines Cause Cancer

You know that Donald Trump is either unimaginably stupid, has vested interests in fossil fuels, or is simply pandering to a constituency that has interests in the fossil fuel industry when he says that wind turbines cause cancer. And yet he said it, and he also said that wind turbines are “like cemeteries for birds.”ContinueContinue reading “Trump: Wind Turbines Cause Cancer”

Marijuana: A Few Thoughts

Nancy Reagan implored us to “just say no” to drugs. A series of advertisements were aired in the 1980s that showed young people being offered drugs. Is that how drug dealers operate? They offer you samples, à la the Charleys employee offering samples of their delicious grilled subs in a ploy to get you toContinueContinue reading “Marijuana: A Few Thoughts”