Hollywood Hulk Hogan Action Figures

Earlier this year at the San Diego Comic Con, wrestling fans were treated to a render of the new Ultimate Edition Hollywood Hulk Hogan by Mattel. Some fans had a complaint, however. By the time Hulk had become Hollywood, he had not a single strand of hair left on the top of his head, givingContinueContinue reading “Hollywood Hulk Hogan Action Figures”

Swallowed A Penny

I was a young child, perhaps 6 or 7 years old, as I lay on my bed, lost in a daydream as I rolled a penny around in my mouth with my tongue. My tongue lost control of the penny, and I swallowed it. I was brought back from my daydreaming with a panic, andContinueContinue reading “Swallowed A Penny”

When Sleep Came Easy

It may be that I’ve had too much caffeine, or maybe sleep patterns change with age, but I remember days when sleep came easier. It’s 4:32 am, and I do not feel the least bit sleepy. It’s often like this, where I can’t sleep. Other nights, I get to sleep, but not because I feelContinueContinue reading “When Sleep Came Easy”

Wrestling Video Games

I keep seeing WWE Champions advertised on my Facebook. It’s been showing up on there for many months, but I haven’t downloaded it for my tablet yet. But I do want to escape into video games again. Back in 2009, I picked up a WWE video game for that had been released in 2005 forContinueContinue reading “Wrestling Video Games”

The Pleasure of Drinking Milk

I used to have anxiety attacks, panic disorder, and hypochondriasis. I used to worry and be afraid that somehow, someway — whether by something external or something internal to me — my life was going to end soon. I don’t fret much about the end of my life these days. I know that it willContinueContinue reading “The Pleasure of Drinking Milk”

Remco AWA Action Figures

View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Nr6OUd   Who remembers the AWA wrestling figures by Remco? Here is a picture of my collection of the #Minnesota -based #wrestling company’s action figures from the mid #1980s . I didn’t have the full set, but I had a decent collection, including both rings and two of the rare “Mat Mania”ContinueContinue reading “Remco AWA Action Figures”

“The Place”

When I was young, my family lived in a house that had a lot of bushes and a few (three, if memory serves me correctly) woodsheds in the back yard. They were filthy and cluttered, but we cleared one up, cleaned it up very neat. Well, as neat as we could get it. We calledContinueContinue reading ““The Place””

Footstool Wrestling Ring

My brother and I used to play with wrestling action figures. For some reason, we didn’t have a toy ring for the plastic superstars of our league. But we had a solution. My brother took an old footstool and turned it upside down. The legs served as the ring posts. He then twisted up rubber bandsContinueContinue reading “Footstool Wrestling Ring”

Music Teacher

My music teacher was terrifying. Terrifyingly awful. Just awful. Was she a joke? She was a joke! But she wasn’t funny, not really. I’m reaching for my first memory of her. It’s too murky up there in my brain. I do remember the day John Denver died. I do remember ta-ta, tee-tee, ta. I doContinueContinue reading “Music Teacher”