Lost Cell Phone In Couch

I have an old, red couch. I got it for free from a church organization about two years ago. A few people from the church moved it and some other secondhand furniture up to my fourth-floor apartment for me. With everything moved in, we all held hands as someone said a prayer for me. IContinueContinue reading “Lost Cell Phone In Couch”

Copernicus the Pragmatist

The early natural philosophers aimed to “save the appearances” with their epicycles, and epicycles upon epicycles, because if Aristotle was right that a circle was the most perfect shape, and that the celestial sphere was perfect, then it all the celestial objects had to be perfect circles and spheres. But there were some problems withContinueContinue reading “Copernicus the Pragmatist”

Salvation Army & LGBT Rights

A friend on Facebook posted a meme about the Salvation Army. Will copy and past the the thread here. Me: But the books are cheap. Friend: Dustin Hartley so as long as the price is right others can buy your morals and values? Me: No, my point is that I use them for what they canContinueContinue reading “Salvation Army & LGBT Rights”

Does God Believe In Atheists?

When I was a freshman in college, I took a survey of world religions course. The instructor for the course was an ordained minister, and I remember an exchange I had with her. She said, “Atheists don’t exist, because by denying the existence of god, atheists acknowledge the idea of god. Therefore, atheists really doContinueContinue reading “Does God Believe In Atheists?”

Jesus In Your Heart, Devil In Your Brain?

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold up, little Bible study sheep! I attended Bible study this morning, and one of the facilitators of the group said something absolutely ridiculous. He spoke of Heaven, and I asked, “Is Heaven an actual place, or is it a state of mind?” The answer was baffling, not because it was profound,ContinueContinue reading “Jesus In Your Heart, Devil In Your Brain?”

Jesus Hearsay

I am not saying anything new here, so I’ll keep it very short, but it irks me that some preachers think — or at least claim to — be able to know the mind of God better than I can, that they have some sort of privileged access to the divine. I went to aContinueContinue reading “Jesus Hearsay”

No More Than A Carpenter

I was invited to attend Walnut Creek Church last night. Having nothing better to do, or so I rationalized to myself, I took them up on their invitation. The music was good so far as Christian music goes, and the people were very friendly, but the sermon was lackluster. Perhaps I will review the sermonContinueContinue reading “No More Than A Carpenter”

Philosophy of Religion: A Few Collected Thoughts

I like it when I agree with theistic arguments!  It makes me say, in the words of my Philosophy of Religion professor, Prof. Geirsson, “Now we’re talking!”  So I appreciate Mavrodess’s reiteration of Aquinas’s debunking of the square circle “paradox.”  It’s not a real paradox at all, just a linguistic illusion.  Mavrodes then turns hisContinueContinue reading “Philosophy of Religion: A Few Collected Thoughts”

A Personal God: What’s The Harm?

Knowing that I’m an atheist, someone asked me, “What’s the harm in believing in God if he’s true to me?” (I guess that the “true to me” part should be addressed from some sort of pragmatic stance and not as a literal truth claim.) What is the harm indeed? We can say that there isContinueContinue reading “A Personal God: What’s The Harm?”