Ma & Pa Stores

A lot of people talk about their support for small business. They sometimes go on to say, “We gotta suppo’t tha ma ‘n pa sto’es!” Is anyone, besides its marketplace competitors, against small business? To say, “I’m for small business!” is just a platitude, especially since most of the time when it’s stated, the onlyContinueContinue reading “Ma & Pa Stores”

“Why do you think that people hate you?”

“Why do you think that people hate you?”  a friend asked me over the phone a few days ago.  Since I’ve only typed up one sentence thus far, this is an opportune time to insert a pseudonym as to avoid interrupting any flow that this writing might get into, if my writing ever does getContinueContinue reading ““Why do you think that people hate you?””

The French Icarians

As I prepare to bid adieu to this sorry excuse for a town, I offer you a bit of trivia, or history, related to Corning, Iowa. Here are a few words on the French Icarians. When you think of southern Iowa, what words come to mind? Corn? Beans? Tractors? Rural? Plain? German? Quaint? Desolate? WhatContinueContinue reading “The French Icarians”