Baseline Happiness

Psychologists theorize that people have a baseline of happiness, or hedonic set point. What they mean is that while an individual’s level of happiness will ebb and flow, go up and down, dependent upon the circumstances, there is a point to which his or her level of happiness tends to return. I was thinking aboutContinueContinue reading “Baseline Happiness”


It’s okay to be happy; it’s fine to be satisfied. By definition, it might be said (or maybe it wouldn’t be, but let me say it!) that those two states — happiness and satisfaction — are good states of being. And good is, well, to be desired, right? But there is a line to beContinueContinue reading “Complacence”

Some People Do This, Some That

I was at a friend’s house, and when he left to do Communion, I talked to one of his daughters. She and I discussed schooling, and she brought up one of her classes in which the discussion was what made people human. A whole lot of things make up humanity, I expressed. And it gotContinueContinue reading “Some People Do This, Some That”