The Morality of Homosexuality

Conservative Christians insist that homosexuality is immoral. Their reasoning has something to do with some passages in their precious Bible. Even though early Christians were Jews, and Jesus would have been a Jew himself (if he existed), Christians say that they’re not Jews and don’t have to live by Jewish laws, but they still keepContinueContinue reading “The Morality of Homosexuality”

No Room For Jesus in My Inn!

BBH posted this image on Facebook: Dustin Hartley :Sorry, no vacancies here. BBH: Dustin Hartley, he still loves you DH: Are we talking about the same guy? The one who was a human sacrifice 2,000 or so years ago in a deal that I had no part in, and that I want no part of? BBH: HE still lovesContinueContinue reading “No Room For Jesus in My Inn!”

Atheism Made Easy Book Trailer

Jefferson The Deist

Conservatives like to say that we are a Christian nation, and they point to the faith of the founding fathers as evidence. Yet our founding documents say otherwise. One founding father, who is credited with the doctrine of the separation of Church and State, was none other than Thomas Jefferson, and he surely was notContinueContinue reading “Jefferson The Deist”

10 Commandments

I have posed this question to myself: Which, if any, of the 10 Commandments do I agree with? The 10 commandments are listed in both Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. I suppose I’ll go with the list in Exodus because the book comes before Deuteronomy. List of the 10 Commandments “You shall have no otherContinueContinue reading “10 Commandments”

No More Than A Carpenter

I was invited to attend Walnut Creek Church last night. Having nothing better to do, or so I rationalized to myself, I took them up on their invitation. The music was good so far as Christian music goes, and the people were very friendly, but the sermon was lackluster. Perhaps I will review the sermonContinueContinue reading “No More Than A Carpenter”