Nobody Knows

I don’t mean to sound like Kevin Sharp, but there something that nobody knows but me. Nobody knows who I view as the love of my life. Nobody knows the only person I could ever love unconditionally. I have told many women lies, and in a way I was really lying to myself, trying toContinueContinue reading “Nobody Knows”

E-Wrestling, Dustin Dare, & The AWF

Many of my online usernames have been “dusindareawf.” What does that mean? The AWF was an e-wrestling league, aka, an “e-fed.” Dustin Dare was my character, the evil boss, and the AWF was the Atypical Wrestling Federation. My mind wandered just a moment ago, and it wandered to the thought that I should give someContinueContinue reading “E-Wrestling, Dustin Dare, & The AWF”