PACT & Choice: Supported Community Living

The organization that I get my psychiatric care through wanted me to enter into their program called PACT (Program for Assertive Community Treatment) last fall. I went there to meet with the coordinator of the program, Elaine. I was hesitant to enter the program for a few reasons. For one, there was a guy thereContinueContinue reading “PACT & Choice: Supported Community Living”

PACT Team Not For Me

About two weeks ago, I met with Ellaine of the Eyerly Ball PACT Team. Earlier this week, Karissa and Ellaine called me to see if I wanted to join the program, and I went on a spiel about how I didn’t think they could do anything for me besides writing me new prescriptions for myContinueContinue reading “PACT Team Not For Me”

Walked Out On ARNP

An ARNP is not a doctor. She’s a nurse. And I walked out on her today. Although two other providers — by the names of Susan and Lacey — had recommended that I take Risperdal rather than Abilify, and which I did do, the ARNP by the name of Marcia wondered why I had changedContinueContinue reading “Walked Out On ARNP”