Pat Robertson & Gay Marriage

If anybody knows the mind of God and American values, it’s Pat Robertson. I watched a video ( of him answering viewer’s question about gay marriage, where Robertson answered confidently, in true expert fashion. The viewer asked, “If same sex couples, especially those who are married, claim they are Christians, how can they continue toContinueContinue reading “Pat Robertson & Gay Marriage”

Foreign Drivers

I got a call from my driver at 7:45 this morning. Whatever he said, he said it in such a thick accent that it might as well have been in his native tongue. I said, “What?” and he repeated what he had said, and I somehow deciphered that he was saying that he would pickContinueContinue reading “Foreign Drivers”

“Some People Did Something”

“CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” With that quote in the N.Y. Post, Ilhan Omar has conservatives up in arms. The general response from the right has been something like, 2,900 people died! GetContinueContinue reading ““Some People Did Something””

Jefferson The Deist

Conservatives like to say that we are a Christian nation, and they point to the faith of the founding fathers as evidence. Yet our founding documents say otherwise. One founding father, who is credited with the doctrine of the separation of Church and State, was none other than Thomas Jefferson, and he surely was notContinueContinue reading “Jefferson The Deist”

A Personal God: What’s The Harm?

Knowing that I’m an atheist, someone asked me, “What’s the harm in believing in God if he’s true to me?” (I guess that the “true to me” part should be addressed from some sort of pragmatic stance and not as a literal truth claim.) What is the harm indeed? We can say that there isContinueContinue reading “A Personal God: What’s The Harm?”