The Role of The Creator

Religious folks point to the theory of evolution and say, “Ha! Evolutionary theory may tell us how species originate, but it does not tell us how life itself originated!” And this is true, but the God hypothesis does us no good either. Apocryphal stories, whether true or not, can have some valuable lessons. Take, forContinueContinue reading “The Role of The Creator”

Copernicus the Pragmatist

The early natural philosophers aimed to “save the appearances” with their epicycles, and epicycles upon epicycles, because if Aristotle was right that a circle was the most perfect shape, and that the celestial sphere was perfect, then it all the celestial objects had to be perfect circles and spheres. But there were some problems withContinueContinue reading “Copernicus the Pragmatist”

Platonic Solids

A Platonic solid is pretty much a shape made of a polygon, like a cube, that has as many sides as each point has a side and that form a solid. There are an infinite number of polygons, and polygons become more and more like circles the more sides they have. That’s why pi isContinueContinue reading “Platonic Solids”