Giving Candy To My Neighbor

You would think that a Christmas party with a large group of mentally ill people (most of them either bipolar or schizophrenic) would be a lot of fun, but the PACT party was rather lame. For most of the time at the Zag Ga Zig Shriner’s lodge, those of us gathered there sat silently inContinueContinue reading “Giving Candy To My Neighbor”

Dogs With Flat Teeth

Charles Darwin, in explaining his theory for the mechanism of evolution, compared natural selection of favored varieties to the artificial selection that fanciers of pigeons and dogs favored. On the one hand, the natural environment selects the most adaptive organisms; on the other hand, however, the hand of selection is that of human breeders, andContinueContinue reading “Dogs With Flat Teeth”

Dog Bites, Dangerous Breeds, Assumption of Risk

One of my friends on Facebook was upset by a story (1) about a disabled man’s pit bull being taken away from him because his possession of a pit bull was against a city ordinance. My friend posted the following in reaction to the article: What the hell is wrong with people? I was seriouslyContinueContinue reading “Dog Bites, Dangerous Breeds, Assumption of Risk”

Dog Intelligence

My mom has a toy fox terrier, Colby.  His intelligence amazes me. When chimpanzees were raised by human families in an effort to teach them sign language, the chimpanzees seemed to think that they were humans, as demonstrated when a chimp was given the task organize pictures of humans and of chimps in separate pilesContinueContinue reading “Dog Intelligence”

My Dog Was Sniffing My Package

This is a picture of my now-deceased dog, Barry, and me as a teenager. As evidenced by my WCW Monday Nitro T-shirt, I was a big wrestling fan. The Remco toy company produced American Wrestling Association action figures in 1985 and a few in 1986. I started collecting these vintage figures in 2003. I tookContinueContinue reading “My Dog Was Sniffing My Package”


They say that a good night’s sleep is important for a healthy mind. That’s what they said on the psychiatry podcast I listened to last night, as I tried to sleep. The guest on the podcast, a researcher, said that distorted thinking and delusions can occur when someone doesn’t get enough sleep. I get anxious,ContinueContinue reading “Sleep”