Channeling Kryon

A place calling itself a “mystical boutique” is no place for an atheist and skeptic like me, but curiosity got the best of me on my walk. I spotted the store from across the street, walked past it about half a block, and then tread backwards, thought about crossing the street, though about passing itContinueContinue reading “Channeling Kryon”

Origins of the Universe & God

I was talking to a friend of mine who is a Christian, and she asked me how I thought “it all began.” I said, “You mean, how do I think the universe originated?” She said yes. I told her that I didn’t want to argue with her because we are friends who would not beContinueContinue reading “Origins of the Universe & God”

The Role of The Creator

Religious folks point to the theory of evolution and say, “Ha! Evolutionary theory may tell us how species originate, but it does not tell us how life itself originated!” And this is true, but the God hypothesis does us no good either. Apocryphal stories, whether true or not, can have some valuable lessons. Take, forContinueContinue reading “The Role of The Creator”

Expansive & Expanding Universe

It’s amazing that until well into the 20th century, everybody believed that the Milky Way galaxy encompassed the entire universe! Before the Wilson Observatory was built in 1917 and Edwin Hubble did his work in the 1920s, it was believed that we were living in a much smaller universe than we really are. With telescopesContinueContinue reading “Expansive & Expanding Universe”

A Few Words On Atomism

The pre-Socratic philosophers Leucippus and Democritus are credited with the first theories of atoms. They basically said that all matter is composed of atoms, or constituent parts that cannot be further divided into smaller parts. Leucippus and Democritus, remember, were Greek, and the word atom derives from the prefix a- (meaning “not”) and the word tomos (meaningContinueContinue reading “A Few Words On Atomism”

Kirlian Photography

Idling in the emergency room, waiting for blood test results on his daughter, a man engaged me in a conversation on theology and the universe.  I do not wish to give a blow-by-blow, line-by-line transcript of the debate, but I wish to extract from it some points he made and my rebuttals. One of hisContinueContinue reading “Kirlian Photography”

The Amazing Darwin Lineage

Much has been written about Charles Darwin and his family. It is my intention here to not write extensive biographies of the Darwin line; rather, I wish to leave out many of the details to provide the gist of Darwin’s highly successful forefathers and progeny over a few generations, in a very condensed manner. IContinueContinue reading “The Amazing Darwin Lineage”

Dark Matter: Not An Element

Yesterday, I wrote an article in part of which I discussed what Aristotle meant when he wrote about aether. I wrote:  In a time when the terrestrial realm was thought to be of a different kind than the celestial realm, Aristotle believed that the four terrestrial elements were earth, wind, water, and fire; the celestialContinueContinue reading “Dark Matter: Not An Element”

Scientific Homonyms

Sometimes the same word can have two (or more) meanings. As I think about this today (a Sunday), the word “spirit” comes to mind. I actually started thinking about that word, spirit, since last Sunday, when this atheist attended church. My thoughts have not been focused on the subject, but it has been dancing inContinueContinue reading “Scientific Homonyms”