Brian Lawler Hanged Himself

Brian Christopher Lawler, better known as Grand Master Sexay, and son of wrestling legend Jerry “The King” Lawler has apparently died after hanging himself in jail. On June 6th of 2018, Brian Lawler was arrested for not paying for a hotel room. As reported by Eryn Taylor of WREG 3 News out of Memphis, TN:ContinueContinue reading “Brian Lawler Hanged Himself”

E-Wrestling, Dustin Dare, & The AWF

Many of my online usernames have been “dusindareawf.” What does that mean? The AWF was an e-wrestling league, aka, an “e-fed.” Dustin Dare was my character, the evil boss, and the AWF was the Atypical Wrestling Federation. My mind wandered just a moment ago, and it wandered to the thought that I should give someContinueContinue reading “E-Wrestling, Dustin Dare, & The AWF”