Doctor Appointment: I’m Fat

I had a physical scheduled with my primary care physician today, June 17. I had had an appointment scheduled with her last October, but she went on vacation and I never got around to rescheduling until her receptionist called me, because I needed to be seen to get my levothyroxine refilled. My case manager calledContinueContinue reading “Doctor Appointment: I’m Fat”

Christmas Chaos

I have my reasons for not liking my older brother’s girlfriend that I won’t go into presently. But she went to Mom’s with us for Christmas this year. She lost her Juul vape pen in Mom’s couch and proceeded to turn the couch this way and that and to reach in there and even suggestedContinueContinue reading “Christmas Chaos”

Wrestling And Genetic Testing

I was lying down and listening to music past midnight when my brother messaged me. “Are you up?” he asked. I knew that meant that he was in town to watch WrestleMania with me the next night. We went to Walmart for a frozen pizza and ingredients for guacamole for our little WrestleMania party, andContinueContinue reading “Wrestling And Genetic Testing”

Bipolar Disorder & Entering PACT

Talking to my mother on the phone a couple of days ago, we discussed the PACT program. I told her that I was eager to enter it, but I had not got a follow-up phone call yet. My mom said, “I don’t think that you’re bipolar.” I told her that the psychiatrist had diagnosed meContinueContinue reading “Bipolar Disorder & Entering PACT”

PACT & Choice: Supported Community Living

The organization that I get my psychiatric care through wanted me to enter into their program called PACT (Program for Assertive Community Treatment) last fall. I went there to meet with the coordinator of the program, Elaine. I was hesitant to enter the program for a few reasons. For one, there was a guy thereContinueContinue reading “PACT & Choice: Supported Community Living”

Stomping Imaginary Rats

One night I got paranoid that people were after me and it’s a long story but I ended up in a fight because of it and that started a lot of legal troubles. Shortly after I got those charges, I was put in a mental hospital. I guess I was confused about whether I wasContinueContinue reading “Stomping Imaginary Rats”

Trip to Hospital For Anxiety

I am writing this under the influence of lorazepam, so we might attribute any lack of lucidity to that drug’s actions on my brain; that, anyway, will be my excuse. I started to have an anxiety attack this evening, and knowing that such attacks usually do not end well left unattended, I went to theContinueContinue reading “Trip to Hospital For Anxiety”


I have been watching some episodes of TLC’s “I Am Jazz” about a transgender teenager, Jazz Jennings. Jazz is a biological male who goes on a journey to have gender confirmation surgery. I have been watching this show about the same time that transgender people, or those with gender dysphoria, are banned from serving inContinueContinue reading “Transgender”

Stupid People, Mad At ARNP

My psychiatric nurse practitioner was supposed to send in a progress report to the court, but she had not done so within the 45 days that were allotted to her, so when I had my appointment with her yesterday, I took the court papers I received in to her. While I was at it, IContinueContinue reading “Stupid People, Mad At ARNP”

PACT Team Not For Me

About two weeks ago, I met with Ellaine of the Eyerly Ball PACT Team. Earlier this week, Karissa and Ellaine called me to see if I wanted to join the program, and I went on a spiel about how I didn’t think they could do anything for me besides writing me new prescriptions for myContinueContinue reading “PACT Team Not For Me”