Do You Want A Cinnamon Roll?

I arrived to the PACT office for my psychiatric appointment. There were two patients ahead of me to see the provider, and I went to the restroom. A sign above the sink read: Do Not Keep Water Running! I would later find out why, because somebody, James, who returned from the restroom after me toldContinueContinue reading “Do You Want A Cinnamon Roll?”

Allie The Puppet

Zack, my case worker, picked me up for group at about a quarter after 12; group was to start at 1:00, so I was there about half an hour early and was told to just hang out in the community center (or what I’ve called the “weird waiting room” before). There were a few otherContinueContinue reading “Allie The Puppet”

Weird Waiting Room, Part 2

Jody, the receptionist, looked up at me as I entered the waiting room. “I’m here about half an hour early.” “Who are you here to see?” she asked almost accusingly. “Elaine,” I replied. “She’s not here.” “We have a meeting scheduled for 11:30 on Wednesday.” I meant to say on Friday, but I was thinkingContinueContinue reading “Weird Waiting Room, Part 2”

Bipolar Disorder & Entering PACT

Talking to my mother on the phone a couple of days ago, we discussed the PACT program. I told her that I was eager to enter it, but I had not got a follow-up phone call yet. My mom said, “I don’t think that you’re bipolar.” I told her that the psychiatrist had diagnosed meContinueContinue reading “Bipolar Disorder & Entering PACT”

Autistic? Schizophrenic?

There are parts of my mind that I don’t understand. I have subconscious thoughts, feelings, and emotions that I cannot adequately articulate, and they manifest themselves in verbal tirades that don’t actually convey the what is truly bothering me; it’s as though I think things at a level that my rational self doesn’t have fullContinueContinue reading “Autistic? Schizophrenic?”