My Problems Are Trivial

My problems are trivial. I’m just a man, one of many, and a male of just one species, out of many, that the cold, uncaring universe doesn’t really care about. All human problems are trivial, on the grand scheme of things. The universe is about 13.8 billion years old. For billions of years, up untilContinueContinue reading “My Problems Are Trivial”

Copernicus the Pragmatist

The early natural philosophers aimed to “save the appearances” with their epicycles, and epicycles upon epicycles, because if Aristotle was right that a circle was the most perfect shape, and that the celestial sphere was perfect, then it all the celestial objects had to be perfect circles and spheres. But there were some problems withContinueContinue reading “Copernicus the Pragmatist”

The Night Sky

Nonetheless, we are obliged to reside in such an improbable universe, because we could exist in no other. – John Barrow, The Origin of the Universe I am a night owl who often goes for walks or jogs at night. The town that I live in is very small, and not all the streets are well-lit.ContinueContinue reading “The Night Sky”