My Problems Are Trivial

My problems are trivial. I’m just a man, one of many, and a male of just one species, out of many, that the cold, uncaring universe doesn’t really care about. All human problems are trivial, on the grand scheme of things. The universe is about 13.8 billion years old. For billions of years, up untilContinueContinue reading “My Problems Are Trivial”

The End Is Nigh!: Super Blue Blood Moon 2018

My name is loaded with theistic allusions.  My first name is Dustin, derived from words meaning “Stone of Thor.”  My last name is Hartley, from the words meaning “The Land of Hertha.”  Montanus had worshiped Cybele, a goddess from the same crop of deities as Hertha.   But Montanus made his mark on history asContinueContinue reading “The End Is Nigh!: Super Blue Blood Moon 2018”