High School Footballer Tackles Ref

I came across a story earlier today about a high school football player who was charged with assault for tackling a referee. I usually don’t write about sports, because I don’t really care about any besides pro wrestling an bodybuilding (if those can rightly be called sports), but I do have an opinion on this.ContinueContinue reading “High School Footballer Tackles Ref”

Hollywood Hulk Hogan Action Figures

Earlier this year at the San Diego Comic Con, wrestling fans were treated to a render of the new Ultimate Edition Hollywood Hulk Hogan by Mattel. Some fans had a complaint, however. By the time Hulk had become Hollywood, he had not a single strand of hair left on the top of his head, givingContinueContinue reading “Hollywood Hulk Hogan Action Figures”

Panic Attack & Wrestling

When I was about 11, I was hospitalized for what turned out to be a panic attack. I didn’t know that I was just panicking, nor did the doctors, so I stayed in the hospital in Omaha for medical tests to be conducted. All of the tests came back negative for any abnormalities. This wasContinueContinue reading “Panic Attack & Wrestling”


“So do you have toilet paper?” Zack asked me as he drove me home from having taken me to get my Risperdal injection. I answered in the affirmative, explaining that I had bought a 12-pack shortly before the coronavirus TP panic. Zack wondered aloud if everybody would be hoarding nasal spray had it been aContinueContinue reading “Coronavirus”

Race and Wrestling

In 1938, Joe Louis beat Max Schmeling for the world heavyweight championship of boxing. It was a different time, a time of more overt racism, and many whites were rooting for the German Schmeling in the bout against the black Louis. To the dismay of many white Americans, “The Brown Bomber” Joe Louis made ratherContinueContinue reading “Race and Wrestling”

100% Pure Whoop Ass

My younger brother once wore to high school a shirt that said “Chubby’s Footlongs” that featured an image of a hot dog. The English teacher reported him to the principal, and he was told to turn the shirt inside out, because it supposedly was vulgar. I thought that was ridiculous, and I berated the teacher,ContinueContinue reading “100% Pure Whoop Ass”

WWE Survivor Series 2019

I have been to numerous professional wrestling live events — WCW Nitro, WWE Raw and Smackdown events, and house shows — over the years, but this year I turned 33 without having ever attended a pay-per-view (PPV) event. So, it was fitting that for my birthday month, my brother and my mother arranged for meContinueContinue reading “WWE Survivor Series 2019”

Wrestling And Genetic Testing

I was lying down and listening to music past midnight when my brother messaged me. “Are you up?” he asked. I knew that meant that he was in town to watch WrestleMania with me the next night. We went to Walmart for a frozen pizza and ingredients for guacamole for our little WrestleMania party, andContinueContinue reading “Wrestling And Genetic Testing”

Dream Log (March 12, 2019)

In one dream, I was at a house party. After wandering around the house and interacting with other guests for a while, I came upon The Young Bucks tag team. We got into a heated exchanged, which culminated in me yelling, “You’re supposed to be wrestlers? You’re small! You’re small!” But I was afraid thatContinueContinue reading “Dream Log (March 12, 2019)”

Pro Wrestlers in MMA

CM Punk, former WWE superstar, signed a contract to fight for the UFC in 2014. He’s said that he has to let himself try, even if he fails–or as he put, “There’s a high probability that I will fall on my face.” That’s guts, but cui bono? Here’s my take on CM Punk to theContinueContinue reading “Pro Wrestlers in MMA”