Society Blathering

Our society doesn’t have to be the way it is. Different civilizations in different ages and places have done things much differently than we do here and now. And those aren’t the limits or parameters to how things can be done in a society. There are ways of living, customs, wealth distribution, &c. that are untouched upon in history. I believe it was Warren Buffet who said that he got lucky to live here and now. He’s good at investments, but imagine him in the paleolithic era; he can’t run very fast and would likely be eaten by a predator. Or imagine that, I don’t know, Bill Gates had been born in feudal Japan or somewhere or some other time. Good genes matter, but so does good luck. And neither one has to matter too much, if only someone in power would say that every person really is created equal and that we will take care of each and every one of our fellows. We have welfare programs already, but why can’t they be better? I mean there has got to be a way to make things better for everyone. I believe that things can, do, and will change.

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