Chicken Sandwich

“Popeye’s does have red beans,” I texted to Tim. “Cool!!!” He responded. I had been on a walk with Mom earlier in the day when we encountered Tim and his wife, Sandy. Tim said he’d been telling people how good Palmer’s, where we got sandwiches and soup recently, was. Mom told them that we wereContinueContinue reading “Chicken Sandwich”

Proud of My Father

My grandmother said that she is proud of all (10) of her children. “Even Dennis?” I asked. Dennis is my father. She said, “Yes, he has worked hard all his life.” I told her, “And it didn’t get him anywhere.” We (that disembodied ‘we’ that is used in reference to a group that holds whatContinueContinue reading “Proud of My Father”

Politics & Science

Where conservatives and liberals debate their beliefs, we need solid social science. Social science may be necessarily soft compared to the natural sciences, but political scientists still do follow the scientific method, and they should therefore be in a position to help shape public policy. Politicians and voters on the left and right agree onContinueContinue reading “Politics & Science”

Black Names

The case manager from my insurance company had come to meet with me. His name is Katario. We talked about my health care and just kind of hammed it up, just talking as two guys. He said, “You’re 32? I have a daughter about your age.” I asked in jest, “Oh yeah? Is she single?”ContinueContinue reading “Black Names”

Civilized Wrestling Fans

“It’s a good thing that all of those people are well behaved. They could easily get out of control and take the venue over.” My brother made a good point. We were watching the WWE Royal Rumble 2019. The event was held in a baseball stadium, Chase Field, with over 48,000 fans in attendance. It’sContinueContinue reading “Civilized Wrestling Fans”


For as long as people have had the cognizance to ask anything, they have asked themselves and each other, “What’s the meaning of life?” If we’re here, we had ought to have some purpose. We should have a telos. People are always looking for meaning in things, so it makes sense that they would alsoContinueContinue reading “Essentialism”

The American Dream

People who have too strong an internal locus of control are psychologically blinded to sociological and economic realities. They are deluded into believing in the phantasm that is the American dream. That it is, if you work hard enough, you can attain the socioeconomic status that you strive for. By this view, the world willContinueContinue reading “The American Dream”

My Golden Rule

We have a thing called the Golden Rule that says something like, “Treat others as you’d like to be treated,” or “Do not treat others as you would not like to be treated.” It might be that this rule exists just in case you might find yourself going from being in a position of powerContinueContinue reading “My Golden Rule”

Existential Angst

It seems that everybody is missing out on something. And I, too, feel that I am missing out on something. Other people can talk about how they are happy with their lives, but I think that they don’t know what they are missing out on. I know that I am missing out on something, thoughContinueContinue reading “Existential Angst”

New Case Manager

Some people are ridiculously unqualified for their jobs, as is the situation with my new case manager. I had talked with him on the phone yesterday, and I had to hang up on him, because he rambled on and on about his own pathetic life, which is not the sort of thing that I wantContinueContinue reading “New Case Manager”