Ambitions of Our Day

I hypothesize that most of people today have one of two modes of ambition.

We have, on the one hand, those who want to be instant stars. They want to be famous without actually accomplishing anything. They are their own sort of paparazzi. They take post pictures of themselves to Instagram and make superficial, vacuous posts on Facebook; they do not do the work to present anything of real value to people.

On the other hand, we have people who are content with blending into the crowd. Well, I shouldn’t say “content”, because what they do is they go to jobs, working for employers, that they do not even like. So there they are, spending most of their waking hours doing on activities that they do not even enjoy.

The special few are those who do not want to work a job, but they know that to build their own brand, they have to acquire skills that are beyond the ordinary. In this way they are valuable to society.


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