Individuals In Relation To Society

If you had to name the seminal figure in Western philosophy, it would probably be Socrates. Alfred North Whitehead said of Socrates’ student Plato, “All of philosophy is a footnote to Plato.” From Plato, and a few other sources such as Aristophanes, we get the impression that Socrates, though he disagreed with Hellenistic democracy, feltContinueContinue reading “Individuals In Relation To Society”

Evolution of the Cat

See the figure above. It’s a funny picture, right?  I laughed. The evolution of cat picture is intended to be funny.  But after I laughed, I remembered that a lot of people still seriously view human evolution as depicted in a similar illustration, the iconic “march of progress.” As with the cat in the previousContinueContinue reading “Evolution of the Cat”

“Evolution” By Korn

I watched a music video titled “Evolution” by the rock band Korn on YouTube tonight.  Because the video has 18,000,000 views, and because I don’t have much faith that most people can separate reality from entertainment, some of the claims posited in the music video worried me to the point of addressing them in thisContinueContinue reading ““Evolution” By Korn”

Levels of Consciousness

Some of my favorite college memories are of a professor asking the class a question that everyone in the room should easily answer, waiting for an answer, and getting nothing but dead silence. Rather than speaking up in these instances, which presumably are uncomfortable for students and professor alike, I soak up the moment. OneContinueContinue reading “Levels of Consciousness”


In college, I had a classmate, who is now Dr. Angie Carter. She has espoused negative views of biotechnology and things of that nature, going on diatribes against Monsanto in particular. She even has come across as very anti-science; it’s odd that she got her PhD in some field of science (sociology, I think), whenContinueContinue reading “Biotechnology”

Metaphors, Polysemy, & Onomatopoeia

Browsing a local store, I overheard the bagger, a teenage boy, complaining about his English course assignment. He took another customer’s bags to her car as I was checking out. “What was he talking about?” I inquired of the cashier. The cashier informed me that he was talking about a book assignment, but when IContinueContinue reading “Metaphors, Polysemy, & Onomatopoeia”

On Sex

Introductory Remarks This is merely a collection of thoughts on sex that I have formed and collected over the years. It is compiled here for your reading pleasure. Human Monogamy A friend of mine posed the followig question to me in an instant message, but I wasn’t online at the time, so I will answerContinueContinue reading “On Sex”

Fund My Education?

Go Fund Me? Your small donation can go a long way towards helping me fund my education! I have only 9 courses left in my paralegal studies associate’s degree program, but my funds are limited. As seen in the picture for this account, I have a special spot on my wall that is being reservedContinueContinue reading “Fund My Education?”