
I used to be fearful of being abducted by aliens. It was a phobia I had, I guess. When in my teens, I was interested in the supernatural, cryptozoology, extraterrestrials, and the like, and I would watch TV shows about aliens and aliens abducting humans. I found the shows fascinating — (I even did myContinueContinue reading “Aliens”

MRI On Liver

I, an atheist, was in church about a month ago; I like the pastor, and church services are entertaining. The pastor saw me sitting in the back. He waved at me and said, “Look who’s in the back!” Then he approached me and asked how I was. I was honest and told him that IContinueContinue reading “MRI On Liver”

Do Cardio and Open the Windows

It was almost noon. I normally get my Risperdal injection at about 11:30 a.m. every other Tuesday. I called the PACT office. “PACT. This is Danielle.” “Hi, Danielle, when do I — this is Dustin, what time do I get my injection today?” Danielle said she would call Juanita, who would be picking me upContinueContinue reading “Do Cardio and Open the Windows”

Swallowed A Penny

I was a young child, perhaps 6 or 7 years old, as I lay on my bed, lost in a daydream as I rolled a penny around in my mouth with my tongue. My tongue lost control of the penny, and I swallowed it. I was brought back from my daydreaming with a panic, andContinueContinue reading “Swallowed A Penny”

OCD, Pizza Rolls & Cereal

Am I the only one who plays favorites with their food? And on what basis do I play this game of favorites? These are two questions brought to my mind when I was eating today. I am overcoming an irrational fear of my stove. It might be that I am used to using an electricContinueContinue reading “OCD, Pizza Rolls & Cereal”

Trip to Hospital For Anxiety

I am writing this under the influence of lorazepam, so we might attribute any lack of lucidity to that drug’s actions on my brain; that, anyway, will be my excuse. I started to have an anxiety attack this evening, and knowing that such attacks usually do not end well left unattended, I went to theContinueContinue reading “Trip to Hospital For Anxiety”

My Problems Are Trivial

My problems are trivial. I’m just a man, one of many, and a male of just one species, out of many, that the cold, uncaring universe doesn’t really care about. All human problems are trivial, on the grand scheme of things. The universe is about 13.8 billion years old. For billions of years, up untilContinueContinue reading “My Problems Are Trivial”

Existential Angst

It seems that everybody is missing out on something. And I, too, feel that I am missing out on something. Other people can talk about how they are happy with their lives, but I think that they don’t know what they are missing out on. I know that I am missing out on something, thoughContinueContinue reading “Existential Angst”

Stupid People, Mad At ARNP

My psychiatric nurse practitioner was supposed to send in a progress report to the court, but she had not done so within the 45 days that were allotted to her, so when I had my appointment with her yesterday, I took the court papers I received in to her. While I was at it, IContinueContinue reading “Stupid People, Mad At ARNP”

Not Yelling At My Therapist

I paced around the waiting room. My therapist was two or three minutes late. When she arrived, she invited me back to her office. “Come on back, Dustin,” she said. “Okay, but before we start, I want to tell you that I will try not to yell at you this time. I’ll try not to.ContinueContinue reading “Not Yelling At My Therapist”