The Pleasure of Drinking Milk

I used to have anxiety attacks, panic disorder, and hypochondriasis. I used to worry and be afraid that somehow, someway — whether by something external or something internal to me — my life was going to end soon. I don’t fret much about the end of my life these days. I know that it willContinueContinue reading “The Pleasure of Drinking Milk”

Unfair Rules

I have been in this situation where I feel calm yet I am worrying, if that makes any sense. I am not anxious, but I am bothered by a certain thought. I keep thinking that human success is measured in dollars, and I have no clear prospects of making any money to speak of anyContinueContinue reading “Unfair Rules”

We Don’t Get To Choose Our Parents

Individuals are born into times, places, and social systems beyond their choosing. When such times, places, and social systems are not conducive to producing a well-adjusted individual, a great deal of distress and maladjustment and result. Also consider that individuals may inherit from their parents temperaments that are dissimilar to those of the parents. ImagineContinueContinue reading “We Don’t Get To Choose Our Parents”

Ayurvedic Medicine

A friend of mine, in a discussion about my panic and anxiety attacks, suggested I try Ayurvedic medicine. Quoth my friend: Maybe you would benefit from studying some Eastern medicine and seeing an Ayurvedic doctor. Western medicine is so misled and prescribing people pills does little to help their psychological ailments. It is patently falseContinueContinue reading “Ayurvedic Medicine”

Psychiatric Ward

I just got out of the psychiatric ward in Ottumwa, Iowa. There are some crazy people there. And I thought I was nuts! Oh yes, I am. My admission diagnosis was “suicidal ideation.” It could have been depression and anxiety. Or they could have written, “life sucks.” There I was in the psychiatric hospital. .ContinueContinue reading “Psychiatric Ward”

Restless Tonight

Why is that I usually cannot sleep? Why is it that, when I do sleep, it’s only for an hour or two at a time? And why are those one or two hours filled with vivid, disturbing dreams? I’m guessing it’s Buspar. I take it for anxiety. It seems to work, but the insomnia sucks.ContinueContinue reading “Restless Tonight”