Free Kindle Books This Week Only! ATHEISM MADE EASY and MARIJUANA AS MEDICINE, among others. Check out my author pages for free ebooks this week only, including Atheism Made Easy and Marijuana As Medicine! My Amazon Author Page CLICK Get Atheism Made Easy for FREE! Normally 99 cents. Check out my other books, too!

Lost Cell Phone In Couch

I have an old, red couch. I got it for free from a church organization about two years ago. A few people from the church moved it and some other secondhand furniture up to my fourth-floor apartment for me. With everything moved in, we all held hands as someone said a prayer for me. IContinueContinue reading “Lost Cell Phone In Couch”

Religion As a Source of Morality

A friend of mine said that the central message of religions is “don’t be a dick.” I think that the message common to all religions: Social conformity. Maybe don’t be a dick to everybody who shares your god, but certainly be a dick to everybody who has the wrong god. Stone them, behead them, blowContinueContinue reading “Religion As a Source of Morality”

Bargaining With God

A lot of people will pray to God when they are in a pinch. They will say, “God, if you see me through this, I will never drink again.” Things like that. I can sympathize to some extent. Praying to God to change your fate is a sort of magical thinking. I have partook inContinueContinue reading “Bargaining With God”

No Room For Jesus in My Inn!

BBH posted this image on Facebook: Dustin Hartley :Sorry, no vacancies here. BBH: Dustin Hartley, he still loves you DH: Are we talking about the same guy? The one who was a human sacrifice 2,000 or so years ago in a deal that I had no part in, and that I want no part of? BBH: HE still lovesContinueContinue reading “No Room For Jesus in My Inn!”

Origins of the Universe & God

I was talking to a friend of mine who is a Christian, and she asked me how I thought “it all began.” I said, “You mean, how do I think the universe originated?” She said yes. I told her that I didn’t want to argue with her because we are friends who would not beContinueContinue reading “Origins of the Universe & God”

Ideology & Knowledge

There was an image on social media that I saw. It said that millennials, if they were thinking that socialism or Islam should be  the basis of our political system (how many millennials  really want a Sharia state?), that we should remember the numbers of deaths attributable to those ideologies. They said that there wereContinueContinue reading “Ideology & Knowledge”

Atheism Made Easy Book Trailer

Copernicus the Pragmatist

The early natural philosophers aimed to “save the appearances” with their epicycles, and epicycles upon epicycles, because if Aristotle was right that a circle was the most perfect shape, and that the celestial sphere was perfect, then it all the celestial objects had to be perfect circles and spheres. But there were some problems withContinueContinue reading “Copernicus the Pragmatist”