Salvation Army & LGBT Rights

A friend on Facebook posted a meme about the Salvation Army. Will copy and past the the thread here. Me: But the books are cheap. Friend: Dustin Hartley so as long as the price is right others can buy your morals and values? Me: No, my point is that I use them for what they canContinueContinue reading “Salvation Army & LGBT Rights”

On Charity

One aspect of Christianity is the virtue of giving to the poor, as Jesus is said to have been a friend to the poor; the Salvation Army being an example; for this, the faith should be commended.  The Jewish Talmud, from what I have been told (but I admit that I have not read throughContinueContinue reading “On Charity”

Fund My Education?

Go Fund Me? Your small donation can go a long way towards helping me fund my education! I have only 9 courses left in my paralegal studies associate’s degree program, but my funds are limited. As seen in the picture for this account, I have a special spot on my wall that is being reservedContinueContinue reading “Fund My Education?”