Why Do People Have Children?

I often wonder why people have children. I understand it in a sense, that being that humans (and other sexually reproducing organisms) or vehicles for genes to pass themselves on to the next generation, and that we all are descended from parents who have successfully reproduced; so it makes sense that there is a driveContinueContinue reading “Why Do People Have Children?”

Trump: Wind Turbines Cause Cancer

You know that Donald Trump is either unimaginably stupid, has vested interests in fossil fuels, or is simply pandering to a constituency that has interests in the fossil fuel industry when he says that wind turbines cause cancer. And yet he said it, and he also said that wind turbines are “like cemeteries for birds.”ContinueContinue reading “Trump: Wind Turbines Cause Cancer”

Reason & Emotions: Trump’s America

The ancient Greeks gave us some good ideas, two among them being the concepts of politics and ethics. With the idea of politics comes the idea that humans can look at the possible ways of living together and choose that which is best. With ethics, we examine what makes up a good life and howContinueContinue reading “Reason & Emotions: Trump’s America”

The Immorality of Human Reproduction

This goes out to all of you posting pictures of your babies on social media: If you had a moral fiber in your body, you wouldn’t have a baby. My reasoning is twofold. The first is the old anti-natalism of Sophocles, which is akin to the ideas in the book of Ecclesiastes and in Buddhism,ContinueContinue reading “The Immorality of Human Reproduction”

Just a Few Thoughts

I was watching TV when an advertisement for Audible came on. The commercial claimed that successful people read more and that listening is the new reading. No, listening is still just listening, even if you call it an “audio book.” It’s not really a book. A book is written with ink on paper. I don’tContinueContinue reading “Just a Few Thoughts”

Alternative Fuels

Introduction Grandpa was driving down the road, with me as a passenger. He looked to the right at the gas prices on the convenience store sign. “The gas prices are too high!” My opinion differed. “I disagree, Grandpa. I hope that the gas prices get so high that market forces drive gas prices so highContinueContinue reading “Alternative Fuels”