
I remember taking a freshman literature course in college when a classmate said to me, “You’re the ugliest person I’ve ever seen!” I told her that that would change if she were to look in the mirror; I wouldn’t say she’s the very ugliest person that I’ve ever seen in person, but she probably makesContinueContinue reading “Ugly”

Banned from University of Iowa Over Drug Joke!

About a month ago, I was banned from the University Of Iowa because of a joke that I made about drugs. Here is what happened. I was waiting for a class that I had arrived early for, and I was nervous, so I made a joke to a classmate. I said, “I’m anxious. Do youContinueContinue reading “Banned from University of Iowa Over Drug Joke!”

College Football

My cousin Kathryn is a big fan of the University of Michigan’s football club. Michigan has a 107,000-seat stadium,. It cost $258 million to renovate that stadium. That’s a lot of money that could have gone towards something a little more educational than a football stadium. While the football club likely has revenues in excess ofContinueContinue reading “College Football”

I Ordered A Textbook Today

In a little over a month, I will make my triumphant return to the classroom. Granted, I did start taking some classes over a year ago through an online college, and I got to my final semester in a degree program there when I quit. Perhaps I should have finished, but I didn’t like theContinueContinue reading “I Ordered A Textbook Today”

Degrees Fantasy

I sometimes forget that I have obtained some wonderful volumes over the years. While if prompted I can probably recall most of the books that I have bought, it’s not possible to always be conscious of all my bound books. I spent the night out of town last night, and I had none of myContinueContinue reading “Degrees Fantasy”

God In The Classroom

There are those who are so astonished by the fact that we are lucky enough to live on a planet that is just the right temperature, with a single sun that rises and sets, and that we live on a planet with tides that rise and fall, and the seasons come and go only toContinueContinue reading “God In The Classroom”

Just a Quick Update

To my readers: I haven’t posted much on here lately. I have been in the process of getting ready to move, getting things ready for graduate college, and maybe a few other things. I already posted this, but you can now buy Atheism Made Easy on and Once things settle down some more,ContinueContinue reading “Just a Quick Update”

Cheryl’s Niece

As I do on nearly every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I walked to the Adams County Matura thrift shop yesterday. The weather was fair on that Friday afternoon, and I saw Cheryl sitting outside her apartment with a young lady; Cheryl waved and said I to me, and I returned the greeting on my wayContinueContinue reading “Cheryl’s Niece”


Somebody was saying something about how intellectual pursuits are a waste of time and money, and that two-year college programs, such as vocational or technical programs, are better than bachelor’s degrees and higher levels of education. She said that what she does is more important because she distributes medications and inserts feeding tubes and such,ContinueContinue reading “Education”