Voted By Mail In Iowa

I received something in the mail that said that my 2020 absentee ballot and been received and will be counted; that’s good to know, as I would hate to have voted and not to have my vote counted. I voted for Biden for President, even though I don’t care too much for him. I wasContinueContinue reading “Voted By Mail In Iowa”

Politics & Science

Where conservatives and liberals debate their beliefs, we need solid social science. Social science may be necessarily soft compared to the natural sciences, but political scientists still do follow the scientific method, and they should therefore be in a position to help shape public policy. Politicians and voters on the left and right agree onContinueContinue reading “Politics & Science”

Testicular Bill Of Rights

I am very liberal, and because the Democratic party is more liberal than the Republican party, I almost always vote for the Democratic candidates for public office. People get these in-group/out-group biases when it comes to politics, whereby they support anything that Democrat or Republican proposes just because they identify with the same party. ThisContinueContinue reading “Testicular Bill Of Rights”