The Privileged Animal: Politics & Veganism

According to a 2018 Gallop poll, liberals are much more likely to be vegetarian (11%) or vegan (5%) than conservatives (2% vegetarian, 2% vegan). Furthermore, Americans who makes less than $30,000 a year are much more likely to avoid eating meat. I have a pet theory for why this would be. I hypothesize that itContinueContinue reading “The Privileged Animal: Politics & Veganism”

Trump: Wind Turbines Cause Cancer

You know that Donald Trump is either unimaginably stupid, has vested interests in fossil fuels, or is simply pandering to a constituency that has interests in the fossil fuel industry when he says that wind turbines cause cancer. And yet he said it, and he also said that wind turbines are “like cemeteries for birds.”ContinueContinue reading “Trump: Wind Turbines Cause Cancer”

Politics & Science

Where conservatives and liberals debate their beliefs, we need solid social science. Social science may be necessarily soft compared to the natural sciences, but political scientists still do follow the scientific method, and they should therefore be in a position to help shape public policy. Politicians and voters on the left and right agree onContinueContinue reading “Politics & Science”

Jefferson The Deist

Conservatives like to say that we are a Christian nation, and they point to the faith of the founding fathers as evidence. Yet our founding documents say otherwise. One founding father, who is credited with the doctrine of the separation of Church and State, was none other than Thomas Jefferson, and he surely was notContinueContinue reading “Jefferson The Deist”

Salvation Army & LGBT Rights

A friend on Facebook posted a meme about the Salvation Army. Will copy and past the the thread here. Me: But the books are cheap. Friend: Dustin Hartley so as long as the price is right others can buy your morals and values? Me: No, my point is that I use them for what they canContinueContinue reading “Salvation Army & LGBT Rights”

Memories of Grandpa, Anecdote #2

I don’t know if my grandpa thought that he was funny, or if he intended to be rude. He, my cousin and her friend, and my mother made the 50-mile trip to Maryville to shop at Dollar Tree (everything’s $1!) and eat at the Joy Wok buffet (it had been too long since I’d hadContinueContinue reading “Memories of Grandpa, Anecdote #2”