Big Bang & Creation

A friend of mine told me that she believes in Creationism. I asked her why, and she responded with her own question. “You believe in the Big Bang. Right?” “Yes.” “Then what creates the energy that starts the Big Bang?” she replied to my affirmation. I told her, rightly or wrongly, “We can’t say becauseContinueContinue reading “Big Bang & Creation”

Is Atheism A Belief? #2: Clifford & Pascal

William K. Clifford, when criticizing people for believing without sufficient evidence, touches a topic near and dear to my heart.  Aside from religion, that is.  Always a big place in my heart for religion.  But the near and dear thing to my heart is social science!  Clifford argues that it is morally wrong to believeContinueContinue reading “Is Atheism A Belief? #2: Clifford & Pascal”

The Night Sky

Nonetheless, we are obliged to reside in such an improbable universe, because we could exist in no other. – John Barrow, The Origin of the Universe I am a night owl who often goes for walks or jogs at night. The town that I live in is very small, and not all the streets are well-lit.ContinueContinue reading “The Night Sky”