OCD, Pizza Rolls & Cereal

Am I the only one who plays favorites with their food? And on what basis do I play this game of favorites? These are two questions brought to my mind when I was eating today. I am overcoming an irrational fear of my stove. It might be that I am used to using an electricContinueContinue reading “OCD, Pizza Rolls & Cereal”

Trip to Hospital For Anxiety

I am writing this under the influence of lorazepam, so we might attribute any lack of lucidity to that drug’s actions on my brain; that, anyway, will be my excuse. I started to have an anxiety attack this evening, and knowing that such attacks usually do not end well left unattended, I went to theContinueContinue reading “Trip to Hospital For Anxiety”

Free eBook! Marijuana As Medicine (Limited Time!)

For a limited time only, get Marijuana as Medicine on the Kindle for free! For a limited time, get #Marijuana As Medicine (#ebook) for FREE! Get it now! Advocates of medical marijuana propose a great assortment of potential health benefits proffered up by cannabis. They give it almost magical healing properties of mythical proportions. DoContinueContinue reading “Free eBook! Marijuana As Medicine (Limited Time!)”

Naked in a Padded Room in Jail

I was taken into jail for trespassing in October. After I was booked, I spoke to the jail nurse, who asked if I was suicidal, and I told her that I was not. She asked me if I used drugs, and I told her that I did not. I then had a seat outside theContinueContinue reading “Naked in a Padded Room in Jail”

New Case Manager

Some people are ridiculously unqualified for their jobs, as is the situation with my new case manager. I had talked with him on the phone yesterday, and I had to hang up on him, because he rambled on and on about his own pathetic life, which is not the sort of thing that I wantContinueContinue reading “New Case Manager”

Stupid People, Mad At ARNP

My psychiatric nurse practitioner was supposed to send in a progress report to the court, but she had not done so within the 45 days that were allotted to her, so when I had my appointment with her yesterday, I took the court papers I received in to her. While I was at it, IContinueContinue reading “Stupid People, Mad At ARNP”

Banned from University of Iowa Over Drug Joke!

About a month ago, I was banned from the University Of Iowa because of a joke that I made about drugs. Here is what happened. I was waiting for a class that I had arrived early for, and I was nervous, so I made a joke to a classmate. I said, “I’m anxious. Do youContinueContinue reading “Banned from University of Iowa Over Drug Joke!”



PACT Team Not For Me

About two weeks ago, I met with Ellaine of the Eyerly Ball PACT Team. Earlier this week, Karissa and Ellaine called me to see if I wanted to join the program, and I went on a spiel about how I didn’t think they could do anything for me besides writing me new prescriptions for myContinueContinue reading “PACT Team Not For Me”

Jesse Ventura On Marijuana

When I was a child in 1998 and Jesse Ventura became governor of Minnesota, I thought that it was cool, because I was a big fan of professional wrestling, and Jesse “The Body” Ventura was the guy on color commentary (usually with Gorilla Monsoon, or Chico Monsoon, as Ventura called him) in some of myContinueContinue reading “Jesse Ventura On Marijuana”