
It’s a losing struggle that we’re born into, a battle that we cannot come out the victors in, a game that we cannot win. This game is called life, and nobody survives, nobody comes out alive. Some of us think of death, and we might wish that we had never been born at all, thatContinueContinue reading “Immortality”

My Problems Are Trivial

My problems are trivial. I’m just a man, one of many, and a male of just one species, out of many, that the cold, uncaring universe doesn’t really care about. All human problems are trivial, on the grand scheme of things. The universe is about 13.8 billion years old. For billions of years, up untilContinueContinue reading “My Problems Are Trivial”

Copernicus the Pragmatist

The early natural philosophers aimed to “save the appearances” with their epicycles, and epicycles upon epicycles, because if Aristotle was right that a circle was the most perfect shape, and that the celestial sphere was perfect, then it all the celestial objects had to be perfect circles and spheres. But there were some problems withContinueContinue reading “Copernicus the Pragmatist”

Neighbor Claims Flat Earth, Part 2

A little while ago, I wrote about a neighbor of mine who is certain that planet Earth is flat. In that article, I forgot to mention that he added, almost as an afterthought, that Neil deGrasse Tyson claims that Earth is pear-shaped. I found this to be an odd statement, and I treated it withContinueContinue reading “Neighbor Claims Flat Earth, Part 2”

Neighbor Claims Flat Earth

A neighbor of mine is convinced that Earth is flat. He couldn’t quite explain why. I asked him how he explained the hull of ships disappearing over the horizon as they sail out to sea. “That’s peripheral vision, you see!” No, peripheral vision is what is seen out of the side of the eyes. HowContinueContinue reading “Neighbor Claims Flat Earth”

Alternative Fuels

Introduction Grandpa was driving down the road, with me as a passenger. He looked to the right at the gas prices on the convenience store sign. “The gas prices are too high!” My opinion differed. “I disagree, Grandpa. I hope that the gas prices get so high that market forces drive gas prices so highContinueContinue reading “Alternative Fuels”

The End Is Nigh!: Super Blue Blood Moon 2018

My name is loaded with theistic allusions.  My first name is Dustin, derived from words meaning “Stone of Thor.”  My last name is Hartley, from the words meaning “The Land of Hertha.”  Montanus had worshiped Cybele, a goddess from the same crop of deities as Hertha.   But Montanus made his mark on history asContinueContinue reading “The End Is Nigh!: Super Blue Blood Moon 2018”