10 Commandments

I have posed this question to myself: Which, if any, of the 10 Commandments do I agree with? The 10 commandments are listed in both Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. I suppose I’ll go with the list in Exodus because the book comes before Deuteronomy. List of the 10 Commandments “You shall have no otherContinueContinue reading “10 Commandments”

Asperger Syndrome: Psychopharmacological Considerations

Abstract There is a paucity of research on the medical treatment of Asperger syndrome (now often referred to as High Functioning Autism).  This paper uses an archival method to examine some of the research that does exist.  The focus is limited to three symptoms associated with Asperger syndrome: irritability/anger, anxiety, and depression.  Research is presentedContinueContinue reading “Asperger Syndrome: Psychopharmacological Considerations”

Police Sexual Misconduct

Introduction         When studying policing, it may be beneficial to obtain an understanding of problems in the profession.  One of the primary areas of policing problems to be studied is that of police misconduct.  The focus of this paper will narrow police misconduct down to perhaps the most egregious forms of misconduct:  police-perpetrated sexual misconduct.ContinueContinue reading “Police Sexual Misconduct”

Sociological Theory: A Few Brief Considerations

Introduction A crucial question poses itself to the sociological discipline: How are the complexities of human interaction to be studied?  This question is indeed complex and loaded, which is perhaps why “we’re still theorizing,” a question explored in depth by Waggoner and Roark. Why are we theorizing at all, and about what are we theorizing?ContinueContinue reading “Sociological Theory: A Few Brief Considerations”

Lenox, Iowa

Several years ago, I wrote the following about my hometown. I re-post it here for your reading pleasure. Community Capitals Of Lenox, Iowa Introduction Lenox, Iowa, population approximately 1400 (American Fact Finder), has been my home all my life. Therefore, Lenox is by default the community which “has had the greatest influence” on my life. Ergo,ContinueContinue reading “Lenox, Iowa”