Facebook, Gods, & War

I had deleted my Facebook account to avoid arguing with idiots in the status threads. But then I created a new account, and any reason I had to support that action would just amount to rationalizing. I’m no genius (pretty close, but not quite), but they have difficulty conceiving of ideas that are justified trueContinueContinue reading “Facebook, Gods, & War”

The Immorality of Human Reproduction

This goes out to all of you posting pictures of your babies on social media: If you had a moral fiber in your body, you wouldn’t have a baby. My reasoning is twofold. The first is the old anti-natalism of Sophocles, which is akin to the ideas in the book of Ecclesiastes and in Buddhism,ContinueContinue reading “The Immorality of Human Reproduction”

Exposing Dr. Angie L. Carter

Years ago, I copied and pasted a thread from Facebook started by Angie Carter, now “Dr.” Angie L. Carter, to a word document. It wasn’t perfectly preserved, but I repost it below. I somehow doubt that her IQ has been elevated as much as her title did when she went from Ms. Carter to Dr.ContinueContinue reading “Exposing Dr. Angie L. Carter”