Facebook, Gods, & War

I had deleted my Facebook account to avoid arguing with idiots in the status threads. But then I created a new account, and any reason I had to support that action would just amount to rationalizing. I’m no genius (pretty close, but not quite), but they have difficulty conceiving of ideas that are justified trueContinueContinue reading “Facebook, Gods, & War”

Where Did This God Who Loves Me Come From?

I posted the following on my Facebook timeline yesterday: If God created Man, then who created God? See the built-in regression with the God hypothesis? And if you say that God has always existed, then why not simply say that natural entities or processes have always existed? If Man were created by a Watchmaker, thatContinueContinue reading “Where Did This God Who Loves Me Come From?”

Is Atheism A Belief? #2: Clifford & Pascal

William K. Clifford, when criticizing people for believing without sufficient evidence, touches a topic near and dear to my heart.  Aside from religion, that is.  Always a big place in my heart for religion.  But the near and dear thing to my heart is social science!  Clifford argues that it is morally wrong to believeContinueContinue reading “Is Atheism A Belief? #2: Clifford & Pascal”

A Personal God: What’s The Harm?

Knowing that I’m an atheist, someone asked me, “What’s the harm in believing in God if he’s true to me?” (I guess that the “true to me” part should be addressed from some sort of pragmatic stance and not as a literal truth claim.) What is the harm indeed? We can say that there isContinueContinue reading “A Personal God: What’s The Harm?”