Civilized Wrestling Fans

“It’s a good thing that all of those people are well behaved. They could easily get out of control and take the venue over.” My brother made a good point. We were watching the WWE Royal Rumble 2019. The event was held in a baseball stadium, Chase Field, with over 48,000 fans in attendance. It’sContinueContinue reading “Civilized Wrestling Fans”


For as long as people have had the cognizance to ask anything, they have asked themselves and each other, “What’s the meaning of life?” If we’re here, we had ought to have some purpose. We should have a telos. People are always looking for meaning in things, so it makes sense that they would alsoContinueContinue reading “Essentialism”

My Golden Rule

We have a thing called the Golden Rule that says something like, “Treat others as you’d like to be treated,” or “Do not treat others as you would not like to be treated.” It might be that this rule exists just in case you might find yourself going from being in a position of powerContinueContinue reading “My Golden Rule”

Existential Angst

It seems that everybody is missing out on something. And I, too, feel that I am missing out on something. Other people can talk about how they are happy with their lives, but I think that they don’t know what they are missing out on. I know that I am missing out on something, thoughContinueContinue reading “Existential Angst”

The Immorality of Human Reproduction

This goes out to all of you posting pictures of your babies on social media: If you had a moral fiber in your body, you wouldn’t have a baby. My reasoning is twofold. The first is the old anti-natalism of Sophocles, which is akin to the ideas in the book of Ecclesiastes and in Buddhism,ContinueContinue reading “The Immorality of Human Reproduction”

Is Atheism A Belief? #2: Clifford & Pascal

William K. Clifford, when criticizing people for believing without sufficient evidence, touches a topic near and dear to my heart.  Aside from religion, that is.  Always a big place in my heart for religion.  But the near and dear thing to my heart is social science!  Clifford argues that it is morally wrong to believeContinueContinue reading “Is Atheism A Belief? #2: Clifford & Pascal”


The human brain has not changed substantially in many thousands of years. But, I wonder, have some generations in those many thousands of years been smarter or dumber than other generations? It’s been lamented that Millennials are “dumber than a box of rocks!” But what about Isaac Newton’s generation? How often is humanity blessed withContinueContinue reading “Smart”


I met with my case manager some years ago  He angered me with a few things that he said, but I just want to focus on one for this bit of writing.  He brought up the idea of my becoming independent.  The problem is, he didn’t bother to explain what he meant by the wordContinueContinue reading “Independence”

Individuals In Relation To Society

If you had to name the seminal figure in Western philosophy, it would probably be Socrates. Alfred North Whitehead said of Socrates’ student Plato, “All of philosophy is a footnote to Plato.” From Plato, and a few other sources such as Aristophanes, we get the impression that Socrates, though he disagreed with Hellenistic democracy, feltContinueContinue reading “Individuals In Relation To Society”

Some People Do This, Some That

I was at a friend’s house, and when he left to do Communion, I talked to one of his daughters. She and I discussed schooling, and she brought up one of her classes in which the discussion was what made people human. A whole lot of things make up humanity, I expressed. And it gotContinueContinue reading “Some People Do This, Some That”