Just a Few Thoughts

I was watching TV when an advertisement for Audible came on. The commercial claimed that successful people read more and that listening is the new reading. No, listening is still just listening, even if you call it an “audio book.” It’s not really a book. A book is written with ink on paper. I don’tContinueContinue reading “Just a Few Thoughts”


The human brain has not changed substantially in many thousands of years. But, I wonder, have some generations in those many thousands of years been smarter or dumber than other generations? It’s been lamented that Millennials are “dumber than a box of rocks!” But what about Isaac Newton’s generation? How often is humanity blessed withContinueContinue reading “Smart”

Dog Intelligence

My mom has a toy fox terrier, Colby.  His intelligence amazes me. When chimpanzees were raised by human families in an effort to teach them sign language, the chimpanzees seemed to think that they were humans, as demonstrated when a chimp was given the task organize pictures of humans and of chimps in separate pilesContinueContinue reading “Dog Intelligence”

“Evolution” By Korn

I watched a music video titled “Evolution” by the rock band Korn on YouTube tonight.  Because the video has 18,000,000 views, and because I don’t have much faith that most people can separate reality from entertainment, some of the claims posited in the music video worried me to the point of addressing them in thisContinueContinue reading ““Evolution” By Korn”