Vocational Specialist

I have met with a vocational specialist twice now. The first time, I filled out some sort of general assessment. This week, I took a sort of interest inventory on the computer. After my results showed up on the screen, I said, “How am I going to get a job, anyway, with my record?” TheContinueContinue reading “Vocational Specialist”

Black Names

The case manager from my insurance company had come to meet with me. His name is Katario. We talked about my health care and just kind of hammed it up, just talking as two guys. He said, “You’re 32? I have a daughter about your age.” I asked in jest, “Oh yeah? Is she single?”ContinueContinue reading “Black Names”


For as long as people have had the cognizance to ask anything, they have asked themselves and each other, “What’s the meaning of life?” If we’re here, we had ought to have some purpose. We should have a telos. People are always looking for meaning in things, so it makes sense that they would alsoContinueContinue reading “Essentialism”

Existential Angst

It seems that everybody is missing out on something. And I, too, feel that I am missing out on something. Other people can talk about how they are happy with their lives, but I think that they don’t know what they are missing out on. I know that I am missing out on something, thoughContinueContinue reading “Existential Angst”

New Case Manager

Some people are ridiculously unqualified for their jobs, as is the situation with my new case manager. I had talked with him on the phone yesterday, and I had to hang up on him, because he rambled on and on about his own pathetic life, which is not the sort of thing that I wantContinueContinue reading “New Case Manager”

Ambitions of Our Day

I hypothesize that most of people today have one of two modes of ambition. We have, on the one hand, those who want to be instant stars. They want to be famous without actually accomplishing anything. They are their own sort of paparazzi. They take post pictures of themselves to Instagram and make superficial, vacuousContinueContinue reading “Ambitions of Our Day”

Science & Technology in the Economy

I wrote previously about how I would never work in a factory. It is possible that with automation from robots and computers and such that hardly anybody will work in factories in the not-so-distant future. Some would argue that there is a danger in automation from computers and other technologies taking over manufacturing jobs, thatContinueContinue reading “Science & Technology in the Economy”

I Would Never Work In A Factory

I heard somebody try to argue that factory jobs are good jobs. They may be good for society, but they are not good for an individual. One thing that she said was that she knows people who have retired from assembly line work at some ridiculously young age. I find this hard to believe; toContinueContinue reading “I Would Never Work In A Factory”

Decentralized Decision Making

I told a friend that I might cancel an interview that might lead to a job that I have scheduled for Monday. She asked why I would cancel an interview that might land me a job. I told her that she was right, that I would go and see what happens with the interview. SheContinueContinue reading “Decentralized Decision Making”

Community Worker and Job Agency

While I don’t really expect anyone to be interested in the little things that happen in my life, what harm is there in writing them just in case, or for my own pleasure? That in mind, not much has happened with me in the last two days, but that makes the two things that didContinueContinue reading “Community Worker and Job Agency”